<   Deku Shield   >

This project was just a fun one to make a prop from one of my favorite video games, Zelda.

I followed the general process of this video to make my Deku shield. Using a foam exercise mat, I printed the template in multiple sheets and aligned them together. I transfered the pattern to the mat. Then, I sanded down the front of the shield and cut out the outside perimeter with a razor. The backside of the shield painted with just one layer of brown spraypaint. I used a dremel with the cutting wheel attachment to cut the spiral pattern on the shield along with making the bark pattern and cuts in the shield. I then painted multiple layers of brown spray paint over the whole shield, as the sanded foam mat absorbed a lot of the paint. Following that, I used red acrylic paint for the spiral pattern portion and a lighter brown acrylic paint to highlight the cuts/bark pattern.
This shield only costs 40 Rupees. What a deal!

<   Deku Shield   >